Why do you need additional education for children

Is the full development of a child possible without additional education? Although the document “On Education” says that one of its goals is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, schools cannot always provide appropriate conditions for this.

In school institutions there are a number of restrictions that slow down this process: all academic subjects are subject to general requirements, plans, and a significant part of the work in the classroom is aimed at ensuring that children can compose the necessary tests and write tests. In such conditions, there is not enough time for creative activity. It is physically very difficult for teachers to implement an individual approach and take into account the needs and characteristics of each child; often their list of priorities is only to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum, and not to reveal the talents of each student in the class.

Additional education provides such an opportunity. Since such classes are held in small groups (6-10 students) and have a narrow focus, each child can maximize his creative potential, do what he likes without restrictions from plans and programs. Continuing education teachers have more freedom in planning and organizing work, and are not constrained by clear learning goals and requirements.